The Strength of Print Media

At Invicium, our print, pack and ship services are in greater demand than ever from businesses who are furthering their reach with print media. Why is this business strategy so popular in the digital age?

Has digital marketing overtaken traditional print advertising in popularity and effectiveness? In some senses, yes. Social media, streaming services, and direct emails have allowed businesses to reach broader audiences with interactive and personalised advertisements. But print media holds strong in a different space, cutting through where digital formats can’t reach. Here’s the lowdown on using print marketing to strengthen your brand.



The secrets about marketing with print media

And why you should consider using it for your business

In an era dominated by digital noise, traditional print marketing remains a powerful medium, offering unique advantages that digital formats often can’t match.


Brand establishment & credibility

Printed materials have an unrivaled sense of permanence. Unlike digital ads that can disappear with a click, print materials like magazines and brochures stay on coffee tables and kitchen counters for weeks at a time, continually reinforcing a brand message. People interact differently with print media than digital media; it’s the tangible, physical presence of printed materials that creates a sensory experience that deepens our connection with the content.

High-quality print materials signal to an audience that a brand is established and serious about its communications, enhancing overall brand credibility and trustworthiness. Print marketing excels at maintaining consistency and brand reinforcement.


Engagement with readers

Print media allows for more in-depth engagement. Readers are more likely to spend focused time with print materials, allowing the delivery of key messages within nuanced and compelling communication. Unlike digital content that competes with countless distractions, print allows readers a slower pace of engagement, associated with a pleasant, leisurely activity.


Target your market

Traditional print marketing offers precise targeting capabilities. It can be effectively distributed to local audiences, making it ideal for businesses looking to establish a strong community presence. Whether it’s a brochure in a local café or a flier at a community event, print materials are unmatched in their ability to reach specific geographic areas. Print is also extremely effective at targeting specific demographics. Industry publications, lifestyle magazines, and specialised brochures can be tailored to resonate with distinct interest groups or professional sectors, ensuring the message hits the right audience with the maximum impact.


Print marketing retains high engagement with readers

  • Direct Mail: 75% of readers opening mail and 35% taking action*
  • 81% of Australians find direct advertising mail more personal and less intrusive than digital ads**
  • 60% of Australians trust printed newspapers ads, compared to only 25% for social media advertising***
  • 35% brand recall rates for printed materials, compared to less than 15% for digital ads*



How our clients effectively use print marketing


Luxury Escapes

Luxury Escapes is a travel company that has a strong online presence. It also has a store located in Chadstone that allows customers to receive face-to-face personalised advice, travel information and recommendations. To compliment the physical storefront, Luxury Escapes produces a quarterly magazine that customers can take with them after visiting the store. With articles, tips, ads and offers, the magazine is a lasting resource to people planning their next holiday, and a tangible reminder that Luxury Escapes can help them do so.


Our Services:

We liaise with the editor of the Luxury Escapes magazine, printing it when it’s ready for publication. We also pack and ship it straight to the store in time for its quarterly release.







Kaboodle is quickly becoming a household name for its partnership with Bunnings Warehouse. Aiming to provide Australians with affordable, quality kitchens, Kaboodle has a great range of options from benchtops, cabinets, shelving and accessories. While shoppers can browse online, many prefer to visit the instore displays at Bunnings, where they can slide out drawers, feel the texture of the finishes, and discuss the options with the Bunnings staff.

We have helped Kaboodle create brochures for people to collect from Bunnings stores. With kitchen options and information on how to get started, these brochures attract high engagement and lasting permanence in households from people who have brought them home from the store.

Our Services:

We print, store, pack and ship the Kaboodle brochures to the Kaboodle state warehouse.

Invicium can help you get started with your next print marketing campaign. From fliers, brochures and business cards, to magazines, newsletters and accompanying posters, we can present you with options and create a campaign that is right for you.

Increase your reach with print marketing